Tender Title : Emergent and Routine maintenance of Civil works (All buildings and S&P) for different buildings at Gopiballavpur P.S, Beliabera P.S, Sankrail P.S under Jhargram District for a period of 193 days from 20.09.2024 to 31.03.2025
Details : Emergent and Routine maintenance of Civil works (All buildings and S&P) for different buildings at Gopiballavpur P.S, Beliabera P.S, Sankrail P.S under Jhargram District for a period of 193 days from 20.09.2024 to 31.03.2025
Tender No : WBPHIDCL/EE-(HQ-I)/NIT- 127(e)/2024-2025 (4th Call)
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