West Bengal Police Housing & Infrastructure Development Corporation


Sl No Tender Title Tender No. Downloads
1 Repair works of (G 3) Storied Building at Entally PS, Kolkata. 2025_WBSPH_808279_1 pdfdownload1889KB  
2 Non-comprehensive maintenance contract of Seven (07) nos heavy duty Canon and Sharp Photocopier cum printer of WBPHIDCL for a period of 3 (Three) years WBPHIDCL/EE(HQ-I)/NIQ- 20/2024-2025 (2nd Call) pdfdownload  
3 Day to day Operation and Maintenance of Pump Motor Set along with electrical maintenance of all types of internal & external electrical installation of different residential & non residential buildings at Belghoria PHE, Nowadapara PHE under Kolkata Police for 12 months (365 days) from 01.04.2025 to 31.03.2026. 2025_WBSPH_811070_1 pdfdownload1973KB  
4 Day to Day Electrical maintenance and repairing Works for DD Buildings, Lalbazar Campus under Kolkata Police for 12 months (365 days) from 01.04.2025 to 31.03.2026. 2025_WBSPH_811070_2 pdfdownload1973KB  
5 Cleaning and maintaining hygienic and presentable look to the chambers of officers, office rooms, corridors, verandas, stair cases, roof and toilets of the entire floors, windows, rooms, ceilings etc. of ‘Araksha Bhawan’, a eight (8) storied building having approximately 1,37,100 Sq. Ft. area in total for the financial year 2025-2026. (Rate has to be quoted for one year). 2025_WBSPH_811335_1 pdfdownload1907KB  
6 Repair/ Replacement of Power Cable at 4th Btn. Police Housing Complex, AF Block, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 64. (1st Call) WBPHIDCL/EE (HQ-I)/NIT- 266/2024-25(1st Call) pdfdownload967KB  
7 Construction of 16 units L.S. Qtr. at Purba Bardhaman Police Lines - (Balance Work). 2025_WBSPH_814752_1 pdfdownload1890KB  
8 Repairing / Replacement of Water Lifting Pipe and Under Ground Delivery Pipe Line of Block Q,U,N & X of Santineer PHE. 2025_WBSPH_815250_1 pdfdownload1970KB