Tender Title : Emergent and Routine maintenance of Civil works (All buildings and S&P) for different buildings under Taldangra PS, Sarenga PS, Raipur PS, Simlapal PS, Ranibandh PS, Hirbandh PS and Barikul PS in the District of Bankura for 40 days from 21.02.2024 to 31.03.2024
Details : Emergent and Routine maintenance of Civil works (All buildings and S&P) for different buildings under Taldangra PS, Sarenga PS, Raipur PS, Simlapal PS, Ranibandh PS, Hirbandh PS and Barikul PS in the District of Bankura for 40 days from 21.02.2024 to 31.03.2024
Tender No : WBPHIDCL/EE-(HQ-I)/NIT194(e)/2023-2024 (9th Call)
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